What do your prayers reveal?
Elise Aleman
Supplication (Eph. 4:1-3)
Did you want a puppy when you were little? I did. I was seven when I begged for an adorable black German shepherd. I could not understand the expense and responsibilities of owning a pet. My wise parents bought me the pup with one condition—I had to take complete responsibility. I caved after one week of cleaning the stinky poop.
As we grow older, we still think we know what’s best. But be honest, our prayers often sound like a wish list instead of a petition for needs? Don’t get me wrong our Heavenly Father longs to bless us with the desires of our hearts but He is not a “genie” in a bottle. When we take the focus off ourselves and look at the needs of others our prayers change.
Supplication is a humble and earnest form of prayer and intercession on behalf of someone else. In Ephesians 4 Paul describes some gifts given to believers in Christ: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These gifts are not for selfish gain but rather ought to be used for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ. Regardless, everyone can pray. There is no formula, no standard format, no specific physical position required. All that’s needed is faith and a sincere heart. Talk to God and trust Him to answer your requests according to His sovereign will.
Lord, open my eyes and heart to the needs of those around me. I pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that I’ll be equipped to share your Love with others.