Are you content?
Elise Aleman
Contentment, Phil 4.11. 2020
Mixed media on canvas.
48 x 24 inches
Not that I speak from need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”—Phil 4.11 (NASV)
There’s a great quote in Jurassic Park when, the skeptical, Dr. Malcom warns of the dangers of “playing” God. He says, “life finds a way”. He was right, God designed the universe to pursue life. Ever noticed how a leaf will emerge from a tiny crack in the concrete? How water finds a new path when a river gets blocked? How children find satisfaction with simple things, a few stones, or an empty box. The Cuban boy in this painting has no toys but he enjoys life with a crude “train” made with a crate and wheels.
Simply put, contentment is a satisfied state of mind where we accept life’s many situations. In the book of Philippians, we learn how Paul finds contentment in all circumstances, both in little or prosperity, when filled or hungry, in abundance or in suffering need. He finds it by seeking God’s strength.
It isn’t easy. It starts with a deep understanding of God’s providence and purposeful sovereignty. Few have experienced extreme circumstances more than Job. A man, who in a single day, lost his wealth and his children. His wife wanted him to curse God and die. Instead, Job says, “shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” God wants the best for us, but life often brings calamity. We cannot understand why things happen the way they do, but we can accept God’s authority over everything and find contentment in all that life brings while we patiently wait for His return.
A Prayer
Lord help me surrender control over my circumstances and accept all that comes my way. Give me the strength to endure hard times and the permission to enjoy your goodness. Help me find contentment in all things.