No Doubt, God Loves You!
Mila Anastasia Lazarević
Loves Me Not, Loves Me
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 10 inches
As the mom of small children, every moment of my day has me on some level of “alert”: cries, falls, time to eat, time to sleep. Although I’m exhausted (who knew I could survive on such terrible sleep?), love keeps me going. I live for them and I die to myself for them, every day, all the time. Why? God wires moms this way.
God chooses to reveal Himself to us in familial (family) language: as Father, Son, and Spirit. He also tells us that this trinity is One and that God is Love. Here in John 17, the Son, Jesus, tells us that this same love that is God and unites God, is felt for us too.
Jesus is talking about how He wants people to see His glory in His followers so that “the world will know that You sent Me and have loved them even as you have loved Me,” (Jn 17:23b).
I think that everyday actions like the self-sacrificial love of a mother helps teach us about God’s love for us. Mom’s die to themselves for their kids, AND JESUS literally died for us. If I am an imperfect human just doing and loving the best that I can, IMAGINE how much a perfect, divine parent loves? That’s how much God thinks about, cares for, and loves YOU.
I pray that you are ready to accept and embrace the truth that *you* are Lovable and *you* are Loved.
A Prayer: Lord, thank You, that You love me unconditionally, every day, all the time. Thank You that You created me on purpose, that my life matters. Help me to know You as Love and accept and feel that Love from You. Heal my heart from the rejection and lies that have wounded me. Heal me so that I am able to love others as You have loved me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.