The Harvest is Plentiful. . .
Elise Aleman
Banquet of Ungratefulness. 2018
20 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas
Who first told you about Jesus? Was it your mom reading a Christmas book to you? A friend at school? Something you heard on the radio? Thank goodness they answered the call to share the Good News!
My earliest memory regarding God is of my grandma teaching me “my prayers.” Then my little neighbor friend’s family pastored a church and I heard about Jesus from them and when they took me to church with them. My parents put me in their school in first grade, and it was there that I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart. I remember the day that a teenage girl sat with this six-year old in Sunday School class and prayed with me.
Thank goodness for each of the people involved in that story! From my grandma to the Sunday school teacher.
So let me ask you, what is the part that you can play *today* in sharing Jesus with others? Can you read a children’s book to a child, invite and take someone to church with you, donate money to a Christian camp?
Today is the day to be a part of the great Adventure of serving Christ, so get busy, Jesus needs us out harvesting those fields!
*** A Prayer: Lord, thank You for each person who has shared your truth and love with me. Show me how I can pass that along to someone else today. I hear your call, Lord! Use me to bless others! In Jesus’ name, Amen!