Mila Anastasia Lazarević
Sacred Labyrinth
acrylic on canvas
60 x 60 inches
Relationships, Money, Power, other gods--you name it--people will look to *anything* except Jesus for peace, love, and joy. BUT JESUS is the only person and name through which σωθῆναι, we can be “saved.”
“Salvation” “saved”--what does that mean anyway?
Have you ever needed to be delivered, healed, or rescued? Then you need σωθῆναι! The key here, is that it’s written in the “passive” voice, as something someone else does for you. Like when my toddler screams because her hair is caught in something, she needs σωθῆναι, for me to untangle it for her.
Have you ever gotten in a mess that was too big for you to untangle by yourself?
I have! That’s what Jesus does--He fixes us up and washes us clean from all of our moral mistakes so that we can live in peace, love, and joy in *this* life and then experience that to its fullest in the life to come.
Remember: σωθῆναι isn’t something you do yourself, it’s what Jesus has done and will do for you!
A Prayer:
Lord, thank You for Your salvation. Please save my soul and wash me clean so that I can be with You forever, but please also cleanse me and heal me so that I can truly live in this life too. Please heal me from my mistakes and the hurts I have received from others so that I can live now in peace, love, and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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