Spiritual Growth
Kaitlyn Avery
The Good Soil: The Parable of the Sower & The Purpose of the Parables
15 x 18 inches
Metal Etching, 2/5
It’s time to move! To grow! To go! God has not called you to be stagnant, He’s called you to grow!
In this parable, Jesus compares the Word of God to a seed that’s planted in good soil and grows and grows. But it doesn’t just grow like an out-of-control ivy, it bears fruit--something that enriches and blesses others.
Listen! God wants to use your life to bless others! Read the Word, study it, and then let it produce “fruit” in you--invite someone to Bible study, donate your time, and start your own study! It’s time to grow and go, friends! Life is short and there’s a whole world out there that needs to know Jesus!
Here’s a prayer for you: Lord, please get me unstuck and help me to grow. Give me the courage and wisdom to know which way to go. Help me find a way to share the joy You put in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!