You are Covered in Victory!
Deryn van der Tang
The Lord is My Banner. 2007
Watercolor on Bockingford Watercolor Paper
22.5 x 13.5 inches
A banner is defined as a cloth with a message, proclamation, or announcement. We see examples in demonstrations, at games, and at fairs. Flags are thought of as banners, flown high and proud for a country or cause. It is all symbolic.
In the Old Testament though, a banner is “something lifted up, a pole or rod” it didn’t have a cloth, but it might have an ornament. It was a symbol of God’s deliverance, power, and victory. Moses’ staff was a “banner”— a symbol of God’s presence. With it, God led the Israelites miraculously out of Egypt victorious. In a battle with the Amalekites whenever Moses staff was lifted, they would win. After that victory “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord Is My Banner” (Ex 17.5) A.K.A. Jehovah Nissi…God is a banner over me!
Years later, Isaiah prophesied that a “rod” would come forth from the line of Jesse (Is 11:1,10). The rod refers to Jesus who was “lifted up” on a pole—for our sins. (Jn 3.14) The cross was not a defeat; it was His glorious victory—His banner over us!
This world is full of trouble—we battle our sinful flesh and a real spiritual enemy (Eph 6). But take heart Jesus has overcome the world (Jon 16:33). Face your spiritual battles with Jehovah Nissi. Stand victorious because the battle has already been won. When you drape His “banner” over your shoulders Satan cannot hurt you. Don’t ever see yourself as defeated. . . Satan is the one that was already been defeated. (1 Jn 5.4; Rom 8.31)
Lord, open my eyes to spiritual battles. You are my Jehovah Nissi, give me strength to fight with Your Banner over me. Thank You for the people you bring into my life to hold up my arms when I need the support. Thank You for fighting my battles and the assurance of Your victory over Satan.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.