Anxious Thoughts?
Elise Aleman
Anxious (Psalm 139.23)
oil on canvas
“Search me, God, and know my heart; Put me to the test and know my anxious thoughts” — Psalm 139.23 (NASV)
Have you ever watched a mouse inside a large maze? From your perspective outside the maze you can look down and see when it is headed down the correct path or a dead end.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had an omniscient observer looking down our life’s maze warning us when we are heading the wrong direction or encouraging us onward the right paths? Well, we do. God can not only see where are heading. He also knows when we begin to think about heading the wrong way. He knew about that misstep before you were even born. There is not hiding from God, he sees us even in the darkness of our inner worst thoughts.
The wonderful thing is that He also knows our best potential because He created us. If we only surrender our minds, heart and spirit to His direction even when life seems to be going the wrong way in our limited perspective we can rest in His sovereignty knowing there is a purpose in it. When we live trusting HIm then anxiety has no place in our lives.
A Prayer
Lord, thank you for being there for me and with me even in my darkest darkness. Help me surrender my anxious thoughts to your will. Help me trust you even when I don’t understand or even agree. When I let go my will to you, there is no need to stress over the unknown because to You all is known.