ExNihilo Art Gallery

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Child of God, your life matters

Sarah Braxton
Still Kisses to My Soul. 2121
Oil paint on wood panel

In the beginning was Christ and when He spoke it all came into being, and at the end He will still be there* -- and we will see that His redeeming of you was part of Creation's purpose and goal.

Not only was He the Creator, but Paul explains that “through Him God was pleased to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross,” (Co 1:20).

Child of God, Christ created the whole universe to *redeem you.*

Look around you. Do you see the small green leaves pushing up between the sidewalk, yellow flowers growing in a field, the sun shining in the sky? All of this has been created to nurture you and to point you to your Creator

Child of God, your life matters.

A Prayer:
Lord, thank you for creating the whole universe so that I could spend forever with you. Open my eyes to see you through creation today. Help me to believe and receive Your great love for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*The first sentence is adapted from a line in Douglas Moo’s The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon in the Pillar New Testament Commentary series from 2008 on page 124.
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